Ahhh, Easter. The time of year where you trade an hour of your life for a gift basket filled with tooth-decaying agents, a new Sunday best outfit, and a lifetime of dogma.
Since Easter is based solely on the concept of Christ's Resurrection and has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with Pagan traditions and fertility rites because Christians would NEVER condone such an association even though their holiday is ostensibly named for the Anglo-Saxon spring goddess Eostre, I looked up the concept of Resurrection in the
Catholic Encyclopedia. I was confused beyond belief, so I turned to
Encyclopedia Britannica, which says:
the rising from the dead of a divine or human being who still retains his own personhood, or individuality, though the body may or may not be changed.Wikipedia adds:
The term resurrection is used in the literal sense to mean either the religious concept of the reunion of the spirit and the body of a dead person, or the return to life of a dead person. So if we disavow the reimbibition of the soul, Easter is celebrating the resurrection, or reanimation of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
Let's see what Wikipedia says about "zombie":
Essentially a dead body re-animated by unnatural means....Some would say that Jesus' resurrection was not unnatural. However, if one acknowledges his existence, one must also acknowledge that Jesus was a flesh and blood human, son of God or not. The Bible acknowledges humans as naturally sinful (
2 Peter 2:18), and acknowledges that death is a by-product of said natural sin (
Romans 6:23). Therefore, death is natural (although none of us need the Bible to tell us as much). So, "unnatural" would be a return from death through supernatural means.
Thus, if Jesus returned to his dead (and probably decaying) body, he was probably a zombie.
However, someone probably asked about this rotting corpse (which would make for a better zombie movie), and there is an explanation, as always.
1. Mary Magdalene finds Jesus' tomb empty and runs into an unrecognizable gardener, who is actually Jesus. She accuses him of taking the body, and Jesus says her name in such a way that makes her realize it's him. She tries to weep at his feet, but he says, "Do not touch me, for I have not yet returned to the Father." (
The Gospel of John, Chapter 20)
2. Jesus appears again to Mary Magdalene (he must have really liked her) and another woman (either Mary mother of James or Salome) "in a different form." (
The Gospel of Mark, Chapter 16)
3. Jesus appears to two of his disciples (Cleopas and an unnamed), who "were kept from recognizing him." (
Gospel of Luke, Chapter 24)
4. Jeus appears to his apostles, who don't get that it's him until he shows the nail marks in his hands and the wound in his side (from the crucifixion and soldier's spear, respectively). Only then do they recognize Jesus. (
The Gospel of John, Chapter 20)
So, either Jesus was one hell of a master of disguise, or he had a different body with the same marks superimposed into them. Hmmm. A person's soul leaves one body to return to earth in another corporeal form...didn't those evil heathen Hindus come up with something like this called
Of course, all this is all irrelevant, because Jesus ultimately ascends to heaven. One can only assume that the Easter bunny handled all his travel and accomodations.
Happy Easter.
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