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I'm not a staunch proponent of the NRA's ideas about gun control (in fact, I'm not quite sure what I believe yet because I've never been in a situation where I had to use a gun for anything serious), but I understand and support to an extent that a citizen may want a firearm or two for matters of personal security (i.e., on their property).

But why does anyone need an assault rifle? If you're only using a gun for protection (i.e., not planning to assault anyone), isn't it overkill to have such a powerful weapon? I understand that some people may be firearm collectors, but I personally don't see the fascination in hoarding deadly weapons.

I ask this because a Certain Trigger-Happy Someone recently acquired a weapon that terrifies me. He has a couple other handguns that I don't mind so much because he keeps them for protection, but I'll be a baby and say I don't like this one because it's big and scary. I have no right to tell him he can't own the firearm, especially when he has his ideological rationale for owning it that I will never be able to unfix from his mind (unless, perhaps, he accidentally shoots me). In addition, he likes to point said weapon at various objects in the house, including Felines One and Two. Although he says that he's being safe, the behavior is unsettling--he seems to be treating it like an everyday toy. I take pointing a loaded firearm at anything very seriously (especially my beloved felines), despite whether or not the safety is on. I think I have a right as a person to not have to feign tolerance (which I can't any longer), just as Trigger Happy has his right to possess the weapon.

So I wrote this entry in Non-Cheeky Mode, in hopes that if Trigger Happy chances to read this he will decide to humor me. Otherwise, the tension will remain.

If you don't want government gun control, learn to keep your guns under your own control.

1 Responses to “Overkill?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

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    Well, first off, guns are fun. I think it's thrilling to fire a weapon, just like it is thrilling to drive fast on a curvy road, or skydive, or ride a roller-coaster. The fact that guns kill some people is part of the draw, at least subliminally (hopefully.) We dumb humans get a visceral charge out of anything that brings us to a safe peeking distance of death, probably I would venture to say, because of some Darwinian trait of enjoying the feeling of surviving something. Surely the members of our species who enjoyed survival were more prone to survival, eh?

    I'm not a 'gun-nut' as described by many on the left. In fact, I'm a very liberal independent. I own two guns, neither of them assult weapons. So I feel like a good bridge on the issue.

    Your Trigger Happy Friend is more than a tad irresponsible. I had a gun actually pulled on me once, and it's not fun. I take gun safety very seriously, because accident's are a dumb way to check out of this life. Even the 'professionals' have accidents. Anybody who chambers a round in a weapon without the express intent of firing it immediately is being very, very unwise and especially, immature.

    So, yeah, I think you're smart.

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