Political Retrospective

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January 26, 1998

What he said:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

What he should have said:
"And by 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman,' I mean we only got to second or third base. Those rounds of stinkfinger are totally worth the Senate hearing."

What we learned:
As the Supreme Leader of WASPs, the President of the United States is only allowed to have a sex life as dictated by the rules of WASPdom, which prohibits oral sex and "stinkfinger." Therefore, one can also assume the Bush twins were conceived by means of an unwarranted invasion of Laura Bush's womb, after which George W. proclaimed that Laura was not hiding weapons of mass destruction in her vagina as his intelligence (i.e., a fifth of Wild Turkey) led him to believe.

1 Responses to “Political Retrospective”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I feel bad, but whenever I picture the Bushes having sex (and no, I don't picture it that often...only when, you know, I need a little help...), I always picture Laura with that perpetual Joker-smile on her face...

    And yes, George wears a cowboy hat.

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