Conditional Monogamy: Yay or Nay?

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Most people with whom I have had an in-depth conversation about my relationship preferences know that I am a Conditional Monogamist. Most people who hear this don't understand--they think it's just another way of revealing my promiscuity (which is arbitrary--I'll never tell how many partners I've had, so don't ask).
So: I'm here to explain the basic tenets of a Conditional Monogamist. You don't have to like them, but it works for me.

Conditional Monogamy, at its basic level, means that I need certain relationship conditions in order for Monogamy to work. As far as monogamy goes, I believe that 80% of a commitment lies in emotional trust. In order for me to remain emotionally monogamous, I need a very secure emotional trust. I need to know that my partner can and will provide me with the emotional support I need, no questions asked. I'm not asking for a perpetual crutch, but I am asking for someone who would be willing to put themselves out there for my emotional well-being. When I have such an establishment, I do a pretty bang-up job of reciprocating for however long I have it.

As a Conditional Monogamist, I need said emotional foundation if I am expected to remain sexually monogamous. If I have a strong emotional attachment and the sex was already good to begin with, then la di da. I can even deal with a partner who needs help refining his sexual prowess (as long as he doesn't mind when I start barking out orders and sending him referrals to sex educators). If I feel a relationship is nurturing enough on an emotional level, I have no problem remaining sexually monogamous--in fact, if I have a strong emotional attachment, I'd prefer to have that person as my only sexual partner and would expect him to do the same. If emotional connection is lacking to a dangerous low, then I lose sexual attraction, and eventually the desire to be sexually monogamous towards that person; however, I will not cheat in this circumstance because it's not conducive to my attempts to rebuild the emotional trust. However, if this cannot be salvaged, I'd prefer to call it quits.

I'm of the belief that in a relationship, I have to view myself as number one before I can take care of another person emotionally and sexually. It sounds selfish, but relationships are selfish first and unselfish second by their very nature. We enjoy relationships because they make us feel good; as a by-product, we want to make the other person feel good in order to maintain our own happiness.

So, in short: Monogamy is great, as long as "mono-" is not an indicatior of how many people within the 'ship want to make it work. You put in for me, I put out only for you. Otherwise, I can take my heart and my goods elsewhere.

Tune in next time, dear reader, for my continuation on Conditional Monogamy: Open Relationships.

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