Looking for group sex in the Lord? - mw4mw

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So now I've heard of everything.
Christians are generally known for only condoning sex that occurs within a marital arrangement with one partner.
The Liberated Christians are a group of Christians who also enjoy swinging (if you don't know what swinging is, step away from this blog). I'm not against swinging, but I'm annoyed by this level of hypocrisy.
So if you're a practicing Christian, apparently it's now acceptable to commit adultery and covet another's wife (or husband). Next, those crazy Christians will be worshiping graven images--oh, wait, that's why one of my kooky neighborhood denizens has a huge effigy of Jesus and the Virgin Mary in her yard that she prays to on holy days.

Start Swinging For Jesus (Liberated Christians)

Oh, and on a funnier note: DateJesus.com is pretty fucking hilarious.

1 Responses to “Looking for group sex in the Lord? - mw4mw”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "Swinging is a safe, international, middle class and increasingly popular leisure choice for married and courting couples"

    it's middle class! join the fun!

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