I know plenty of amicable French people (well, maybe only two), but I have some slight qualms about their contributions to the public--they invented mayonnaise, the guillotine, the pantomime, and of course, the wonder that is the
Maginot Line. However, the French seem to have gotten something right with their production of effective campaigns against unprotected sex and the spread of AIDS. However surreal, they do seem to speak volumes for their cause. So in this sense, I do envy the French for taking initiative to use the public voice. When was the last time you saw a powerful anti-AIDS campaign in the United States?
Exhibit A:
It took me a while to think on the relevance of the absent man and lady parts, but I think it's saying that if you're going to be irresponsible, you might as well not be allowed to have genitalia.
The captions on the ads for this campaign roughly read (forgive my French-literally-it's rusty):
"Each day, twenty people are infected in France. Gay and straight, men and women, they think sex without a condom was a sign of confidence. Now they know it is the opposite. Only condoms protect from AIDS."

Exhibit B:
I think these insect ads are my favorite--they're pretty blatant in creating a metaphor for unprotected sex.

Exhibit C:
This one's pretty bizarre (it's literally a "dickhead"), but I think its point comes across.
The caption to this one says something like: "Condoms are like a good bath: once inside, you don't want to get out."

Exhibit D:
And last but not least, this campaign demonstrates that no one is invincible when it comes to AIDS and unprotected sex.
The caption reads something like: "Everyone should be concerned about AIDS."

As much as Americans may dislike the French, we must give them credit for actually using their government resources to educate people towards something as important as perpertuating safe sex practices and not just copping out with a bullshit "abstinence is the only way" initiative.
*A play on the famous opening line from Marilyn Monroe's song
"Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend."
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