Many people think the best orgies occur in the spur of the moment, when the opposite is true--if not mapped out, an orgy can become a tangled mess of bodies and egos. On the other hand, a well-planned orgy can be a pleasurable and fun exchange between friends, even if nothing goes as planned.
Step One: Make a list, and check it twice. One of the most important things in planning an orgy is having the right sexual company. If you're gay or lesbian, it's probably easier for you to determine that you want an all male/all female orgy. However, if you're open-mindedly straight (hey, if you weren't, you wouldn't be planning an orgy in the first place) or bisexual or omnisexual/try-sexual/whatever classification you may give yourself, you must first decide whether or not you want a fully same-sex experience or if you want to go for the mixed bag. If this is your first time, decide on what your gut feels most comfortable with. Also, be sure to settle on a good number--don't worry about odd numbers, because things will work out if you choose wisely.
Further, don't be too ambitious in what type of people you want in your orgy. If you think you can get away with an orgy solely comprised of Adriana Lima or Scarlett Johanssen lookalikes, think again. You are probably dealing with high-maintenance types, which does not bode well for any pleasure you may be hoping to receive. Further, the likelihood of you achiveing this mixture of beauties may largely correlate with the amount of Mexican Snuff Powder you are able to obtain in one given evening.
If you're a hetero female and your sexual life's ambition is to be entangled with five incredibly gorgeous men, you're asking for too much. No straight men will willingly engage in a full-on cooperative orgy with each other--the most you can hope for is a train. Don't even think about asking gay men unless you're planning on being a spectator.
Be realistic about your orgy invitations. Don't settle for people you're not into just because you feel sure they'd say yes. Be sure to choose people with whom you feel some degree of attraction--it also helps if they at least think you're cute. The pixie who works at the record store and calls you personally everytime there's a new release she thinks you might like? Check. The guy watching himself pump iron in the mirror while wearing striped Bike shorts? Not so check (then again, this may be your thing--but don't rely on him to add any significant, er, contribution to the mix).
If you're not experienced in orgy planning, stick to friends with whom you might consider initiating "benefits" (or at least people whose sexual preferences you feel comfortable with). While it may seem exciting to invite a random person into the mix, you may in fact be inviting someone who has a soiled diaper fetish. This may end in tears (unless you happen to be into that). Be sure to invite people who seem relatively comfortable with their sexuality and yours, whatever it may be. If you don't know where certain people stand, conduct surreptitious interviews. A tipsy night of high-school-style Truth or Dare works (just make sure you save the multiple blowjobs for the actual orgy).
So get working on the list. Next, we'll discuss how to actually invite people on your list.
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